Please click on the individual entries as this is a space where our clients share how they felt about their experience with us! Firm Wide Head Shots Across Multiple Locations in Los Angeles Area
Company wide branding with head shotsAccountancy firm branding and development manager gives brief testimonial from her work with the photographers of Caught in the Moment Photography during a company wide head shot project PR Firm Speaks About Commercial Photography in Huntington Beach, Orange County
PR firm principal speaks about commercial photographyPrincipal at a PR firm client gives a brief testimonial of his firm's experience working on a project where he used Caught in the Moment for the commercial photography. Matthew Terry, Principal at the PR firm Rhythm MarCom, gives a brief testimonial of the commercial photography work provided by the photographers at Caught in the Moment Photography for one of his clients in Huntington Beach, Orange County, CA. World Tea Expo Conference Photography at Long Beach Convention Center
Karina and Will Celebrate their Wedding at Wayfarers Chapel and Los Verdes Golf Course
The wedding ceremony at Wayfarers Chapel was followed with a beautiful and classy reception at Los Verdes Golf Course with their families and both immediate and long-time friends in attendance. Caught in the Moment Photography is pleased and honored to consider Wayfarers Chapel a "home away from home" and when doing the wedding photography for radiant and beautiful people like Karina and Will we realize what an honor it is to be a part of such a special day in truly special people's lives. AWCI Presents Intex Expo Conference and Convention in Long Beach